Love & Relationship

Easy Ways To Make Your Dates Better Now

Here are easy tips to perk up your first dates and give them the best chance of leading to second dates.

Be Yourself and Don’t Copy Others
There are many ways to improve your date, and feel special. Being who you are in the best to help you in successful dating. Feel ok for yourself and make your date partner your best pal. If you have something specific in mind, such as a museum or restaurant, let them know before going out. You have your own decisions to make you feel lovely and consented.

Get active
If you end up with someone dull, imagine being stuck with them over dinner or the pub – argh. Don’t lose the will, instead choose a date scenario that creates a sense of fun and adventure. Go-karts, comedy, a festival anything that means that even if they’re dull, you’re still guaranteed a good time.

Ask better questions
It’s difficult to be uninterested if someone is asking you interesting questions. Go for things like, ‘what’s in your fridge right now?’, ‘which celebrity would you rescue in a fire?’, ‘what 5 things can’t you live without?”. You’ll learn a lot about them and hopefully you’ll have a laugh.

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Don’t rush when you’re speaking
When you get nervous or you feel like the other person is not interested in what you have to say, it’s easy to rush. Don’t rush what you’re saying, take your time and tell your story. Slowing down and pausing will make you look and feel more confident.

Be Positive and Happy
If you want to be the best you can, then this is a good place to start. This can be done by making sure your date feels comfortable and wants to do what you do. Take your time with her and don’t be pushy for sex. If you are more interested in physical intimacy, then continue on with the essay, but if not, it’s not a big deal either way.

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Keep the focus on the present.
A first date should focus on the present. It’s not the time to delve into the past (bad ex stories come to mind) or ask about the future (way too soon for the marriage/kids convo). Keep it light hearted and focused on the here and now.

Involve something that makes you feel confident
Good at pool? A knock-out at bowling? Challenge them to a game of something that you’re naturally good at.

Respond to Questions Honestly
You know how to answer questions and stay polite, but you might not know what to say in a certain situation. Be humble in answering questions even if you feel irritated with the question being asked.

Choose something atmospheric
An atmospheric date can be anything from going to a jazz club to trying out a wine tasting night and can hide a multitude of bad date sins.

Go for a kiss
One of the worst things that can happen on a date is that nothing happens. If you don’t go for it neither will she. It’s not a big deal, even if she rejects it. Just get close, lean in and try.

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It doesn’t have to be at some special moment, but the better you get at the dating game the easier it will be to see opportunities.

Don’t try to impress her
Never try to impress your dates, you’ll have the opposite effect. When you try too hard you become a “try hard.”

People who brag about what they have or have done come off insecure.

Know when to bring the date to an end.
Don’t drag the date on too long. If you like them, you’ll want to leave them wanting more. And if you’ve followed all these tips and you’re still having a bad time, it’s time to cut your losses and get the heck out.

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