
How To Care For Quince Trees

In this article, I’ll discuss how to care for quince trees. This ancient fruiting tree is making a comeback, and as more people taste this delicious, easy-to-grow fruit, they want to grow their own. If you want to try something new in your orchard, quince could be the perfect candidate. Let us investigate further.

How Should I Look After My Quince Tree?

Quince, like all fruit trees, requires care and attention to stay strong, healthy, and producing an abundance of delicious, fragrant fruits.


If you want to grow quince trees, you have a few different options. Quinces can be grown from hardwood cuttings, seeds, layering, or grafting. We have an article that will teach you everything you need to know about growing a quince tree.


Wind is one of the quince tree’s main enemies due to its naturally sprawling growth habit and branches that sag when laden with fruit.

The first thing to consider when preventing wind damage is location. When planting your quince trees, try to choose a sheltered location with some wind protection.

First, determine the direction of the prevailing wind and use objects in the environment to block its blast. This could be a building, other mature trees, or even a hillside.


Another factor to consider when deciding where to plant your trees is the land itself. Are there other trees there, or did they grow there previously?

Natural Soil

It is preferable to plant quinces on virgin land where there are no other tree roots. This is due to their susceptibility to the Armillaria mellea fungus, which is commonly found on the roots of native trees.

If you have old roots in your yard, you should dig them up and burn them.

Rich and loamy soil with good drainage is ideal. Organic matter, such as well-rotted compost or manure, can be used to improve soil.


Mulching newly planted trees can also help to add nutrients and control the growth of competitive weeds.


Quince trees prefer soil pH levels ranging from 6.5 to 7. If your soil is more acidic or alkaline, you will need to amend it to bring it into the proper range. Keep in mind that the use of NPK fertilizers will gradually acidify the soil.

Soil Preparation

Deeply tilling the soil where trees will be planted will aid in their establishment. Young tree roots will have an easier time penetrating the soil.


The shape of the young tree is determined by pruning.

  • Pruning Young Trees – To make fruit picking easier, young trees should be pruned into an open center or vase shape. This is done during the first few years following planting. From there, excess growth must be thinned annually to prevent overcrowding, especially in the middle of the tree.
  • Topping – Young trees can be topped to help them branch lower down and make fruits more accessible.
  • Dormancy – Pruning is done in the late fall or winter when the tree is dormant.
  • Where Do Quince Fruits Grow? Quince fruits grow on the tips of young shoots. This causes them to sag and droop as the fruit fills and ripens.
  • Don’t Prune New Growth – Because new growth is where flowers appear in the spring, it should not be pruned back. When blossoms are pollinated, they develop into fruits. Cutting off the new spring growth effectively prevents the tree from producing fruit.
  • Preparing Your Tools – Before you begin pruning, sharpen and sterilize your pruning tools. You can use rubbing alcohol or a weak bleach solution, followed by a thorough rinse with clean water. This is necessary to prevent disease spread when making the cuts. Re-sterilize between trees and when removing diseased branches.
  • What to Prune – Inspect your tree and remove any diseased, dead, or damaged branches first. Next, look for branches that cross or grow inwards towards the center.
  • Examine the angle at which the branches are growing and remove any that are growing at a very narrow or open angle from the primary branch.
  • Prune them just beyond where they emerge, leaving the growth collar of the cut branch intact.
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It is best to avoid having too many plants growing beneath the quince trees because they will deplete the soil’s nutrients. These can be controlled by applying mulch during the growing season or by using an appropriate herbicide.

If you grow quince commercially, the alleys between the trees should be mowed on a regular basis. If there is no grass in the alleys, as in drier areas, they can be lightly tilled to keep weeds at bay.


Quince trees are self-fruiting, which means they do not require pollination from another quince tree in order to bear fruit. However, if you have other quince trees that can cross-pollinate, you will always have a better crop.

Bees, for example, are required to pollinate quince flowers by transporting and transferring pollen between them.

The flowers are large and range in color from pale pink to a vibrant orange, depending on the variety. They are very decorative and bloom slightly later than most apple varieties.

What Is the Water Requirement for a Quince Tree?

Even if you live in a high-rainfall area, irrigation is necessary to help trees develop quickly and yield consistent crops of a good size, especially during the growing season.

Active growth varies depending on the tree’s cultivar, climate, and light levels. In general, it lasts from spring to fall.

Deep watering should keep the soil moist but not saturated. Watering only the surface ground around the tree will result in shallow root formation, making the tree susceptible to being blown over in strong winds.

Deep watering is usually required once or twice a week when trees are first established, but it may be necessary more or less frequently depending on the weather and soil type.

Water needs can be determined by scraping away the top layer of soil and inserting your index finger up to your second finger joint into the ground. If it comes out dry, water it; if it is still damp, wait a day or two and test again.

Keep in mind that trees grown in containers will dry out much faster than those planted in the ground. As a result, they require more frequent watering.

The wind, as well as the sun, dries out the soil, so check water levels even if it has been cloudy but windy.

What Do Quince Trees Eat?

Quince trees don’t require much feeding and, if you have good soil, may only require some annual compost.


Applying a layer of mulch around your quince trees in late fall to late winter will help protect the roots from frost and aid in future growth by supplying valuable nutrients to the soil and increasing organic matter, which prevents water loss.

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It is best to leave a small gap around the trunk’s base.

Mulching in the spring and summer can help with water retention in the soil and prevent weed growth.

Mulch, well-rotted garden compost, well-rotted manure, or grass clippings are examples of suitable substances.

Mulches for decoration can also be used. These include chipped bark and pebbles, but they do not have the same nutritional value.


In early spring, feed your trees a high potassium, broad-spectrum fertilizer in a ratio of around 5:2:6 (nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium).

High-nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided because they promote excessive leaf growth, which can promote disease and deplete nutrients from the fruits while also delaying ripening.

Container-grown quinces should be fertilized once every two weeks with a slow-release granular fertilizer or a water-based fertilizer, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Always keep fertilizers away from your tree’s bare roots, trunk, and branches. This does not apply to fertilizers designed to be sprayed onto foliage.

How Long Does It Take A Quince Tree To Produce Fruit?

It will depend on how your tree was grown, whether from a graft, seed, whip, or other means.

Grafted trees typically produce their first few fruits within three years, whereas seeded trees can take much longer.

It takes approximately ten years for a quince to reach maximum fruit production after the appearance of its first fruits.

When properly cared for, quince trees can be productive for at least 25 years and can live to be more than 50 years old.

Why isn’t my quince tree bearing fruit?

It can be extremely disheartening when the fruit tree you have lavished care and attention on fails to bear fruit. Among the reasons for this are:

  • Pruning excessively
  • Flower buds that are damaged
  • Disease and pests


The flowers and fruits of the quince are born on the tips of the small branch stems that grow each spring. If you prune your tree in the spring, you will most likely be removing these and thus removing where the fruits grow.


There are numerous factors that can cause flower buds to be damaged. One example is a spring cold snap that brings frost. This can be avoided by carefully wrapping your tree in horticultural fleece.


Another factor that can harm flower buds is a disease known as fire blight, which causes the bark, leaves, and stems of trees to appear scorched. Bacteriacides, as well as pruning and burning of damaged areas, are the only treatments available.

The two-spotted spider mite is an insect that can defoliate trees and reduce fruit yield.


Many fruit trees require a proper winter dormancy period. This is the point at which the air temperature falls below 45°F. Different quince cultivars will require varying amounts of chill hours, but an average is around 300 hours.

As the temperature rises in the spring, the tree naturally awakens and prepares to begin its reproductive cycle.

Inadequate chill hours cause the tree to remain dormant and disrupt its reproductive cycle.


Although quince is typically classified as self-fruiting, which means it does not require the pollination of another quince tree. If all fruit trees are cross-pollinated, they will produce more fruit.

A lack of insects like bees to pollinate the flowers can be problematic. If this is the case, hand pollination with a soft brush may be required.

6. AGE

Your quince will not bear fruit if it is not mature enough or if it is too old. It can take up to five or six years for a quince to bear fruit.

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What Is Causing the Death of My Quince Tree?

There are several reasons why your quince tree may appear sick or even dying:

  • Water scarcity
  • Disease of waterlogged roots
  • Nutrients


Water is essential to the life of your tree, and it is easy to forget that trees, like us, require water, especially when the weather is hot and dry.

The simplest way to ensure your tree receives adequate water is to install a watering system that you can either set on a timer or manually turn on a couple of times per week.

Fruit trees benefit from infrequent, deep watering to encourage the development of a root system that extends deep into the soil. This, in turn, protects the tree from droughts as it matures by allowing it to access moisture deep underground.


Both too little and too much water can be harmful to the health of your tree.

If you have particularly heavy clay soil or ground that isn’t free draining, the roots of your tree can become constantly saturated during periods of heavy rain.

Roots need to breathe, and being submerged in water all the time will suffocate them and cause them to rot, ultimately killing your tree.


Trees, like humans, can be attacked by fungus, bacteria, viruses, and insects. Most can be dealt with if the tree is properly cared for. However, some are more dangerous, and once infected, the tree cannot be saved.


We eventually become ill if we do not eat a healthy diet. The same holds true for trees. If you plant your quince in poor soil that is deficient in nutrients, it will not grow and thrive. Your tree will need to be fed, especially when it is young and fruiting.

Overfeeding can also be harmful and cause problems for your tree, so strike a careful balance. Slow-release fertilizers and the use of natural organic composts and manures can be beneficial in this situation because they feed the tree gradually throughout the season.

You must also exercise caution when feeding your tree. If a liquid fertilizer is used, it should not come into contact with the tree’s trunk, branches, or leaves, as it will burn them and sometimes cause irreversible damage.


Every soil has a pH value and will fall somewhere between 0 acidic and 10 alkaline. Soil pH can be affected by a variety of factors, including the underlying rock type, such as limestone or chalk, which will naturally make the soil pH quite alkaline.

Acidic soil can be caused by a number of factors, most of which are combined, including the presence of certain minerals, the decomposition of organic matter, and rainwater leaching.

Quince trees prefer soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.


Quince trees are generally quite hardy and require little care once established. Getting that care is critical to ensuring the tree’s health and productivity for many years.

Quince thrives in loamy, rich soils that drain well and are not too heavy. They prefer a sunny location that is protected from the wind because their sprawling habit causes breakage.

While the tree is young, good pruning maintenance will ensure it has a good shape that can help keep the canopy open, allowing air to circulate and sunlight to reach the lower branches.

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