About Us
SocialMate is your sure guide to biographies, lifestyles, and news about popular individuals in the society.
SocialMate was established mainly to update you on biographies of actors, authors, actresses, and musicians we did not exclude the dead actors, musicians, actresses, or authors for their work are still reminded and they deserve to be known and appreciated.
We are dedicated to your satisfaction and we make sure the information found on our website is verified before we post it on our website.
Content on our website is protected and it is prohibited for anybody to copy without our prior permission.
Did you feel that some information regarding actors, actresses, authors, and musicians is wrong you can Contact Us as this will be corrected
We also offer educative content like history, this was done in a bid to remember our forgotten heroes and patriot who had fought for our country in the past, their achievements, their toil, and their sacrifice must not go unnoticed or unheard-of